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Questions for JulianRathusLunaHell

willie asked the question
Q. thanks im glad thanks for answering me on the bats
A. xD welcome
willie asked the question
Q. where do you keep finding these bats
A. lmao I don't find them all.... Monika does... but she said to look it up on google "cartoon bats"
Anonymous asked the question
Q. who are you dating ?
A. good question.... and I might answer it if you weren't anon
willie asked the question
Q. would you rather eat nails or bugs
A. nails
willie asked the question
Q. Dino what are you up 2 ?
A. xD not much you
Anonymous asked the question
Q. you no love me anymore -.-
A. 0_o I don't know what you're talking about you're anonymous
AwesomeSheWolf asked the question
Q. What are your favorite colors?
A. ahhhh nice glad you said colors instead of color.... I've got three.... 1)Green 2)Red 3)Black
AwesomeSheWolf asked the question
Q. What would be something you want to do before you die?
A. got quite a few things.... A) Be in a band again.... hopefully make it somewhat famous b) marriage C) have a family
AwesomeSheWolf asked the question
Q. Where in the world do you want to go?
A. that's a tough question..... truthfully I don't know and haven't given much thought..... I guess.... Poland, Russia.... to be truthful....
AwesomeSheWolf asked the question
Q. Do you watch Anime?
A. good question and to be honest Not really.... but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in it... I have watched it before