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24 / Female / Single
Texas - United States
Who Am I?
✧ I'm not quite sure myself. I do know I'm 16, and I have a name. Curious? Ask me, I don't bite.

✧ I'm socially awkward, but I really want to make friends. Talk to someone new, you know? Being a loner in real life is hard, and it makes me question everything.

What Am I?
✧ I'm a writer, and poet. I write a lot, but none of my stuff is really published because I'm terrified of rejection, despite what my teacher always tells me.

✧ I'm also a horse whisperer. I was born and raised with horses, and I've just got a special kind of connection towards them. They're my life.

✧ I'm also a band nerd. I've been in band for four years, and I play the French Horn and the Mellophone. I love playing, and being around others who also like playing.

☾ I'm really bad at describing myself, so like you should get to know me, that way you can describe me to myself, and I'll have an idea of what I'm like! I don't bite. I snuggle though. ♥ ☽

✧ Thanks for reading this! Feel free to add me, ask me questions, message me. I promise I'm great. I think. ✧

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