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Demented-angel's Blog

Daniel Ericson

Name: Daniel Ericson
Age: 16-28 (depends on rp)
Weight: unknown
Height: 5'7
Likes: drawing, dogs, wolves, starry nights
Dislikes: cats, bright lights, Bullies
Bio: Daniel Ericson is sometimes a shy boy but when u piss him off, u will regret it forever. He was born into a decently rich family but doesn't like that most people try to be his friend because he has money. He and his parents lived in a nice neighborhood until one day his parents were killed in a car crash which left Daniel to take care of himself plus take on some self defense classes. He also has a secret.
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0 | 1 Comment | Feb 6th 2018 22:20


Name: Alexandra
race: shadow mage, ice and fire controller
height: 5'8
weight; 150
personality: likes to draw, sketch, playing the piano,and caring at times or just a bit rebellious
Likes: wolves
dislikes: cats
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2 | 1 Comment | May 2nd 2016 12:40