Sweet Victory Will Erase All Pain

Remember Jesus told us of families getting broke up that they turn against each other. He told us they kill us thinking they were doing God service but not so they don't know him. He warned us of persecution ..so we won't stumble and turn on him.

I don't know why all this darkness has to be manifested on earth, I don't know why the suffering..
All I know is that God made us and wants us to choose him...and our true home is in heaven.
And in order to make it to heaven we must be cleaned, purged with fire..because heaven will not have sin,death and pain..etc.
He want to spend eternity with us those whom love him and trust him..and want good. So whatever we have to go through here isn't ..can't be compared to what he has prepared for those who love him.
**We see dying as death.. but in him it is life. So it wouldn't be so scary if we know nothing can separate us from Christ.
Jesus dying..the pain he suffered for us.. it bad feeling to take in the though of such anguish and suffering.. but we still see all of what Christ did as beautiful.Powerful.Love.
**Well on the same key what we go through will be very hard, hard to even fathom how we will make it through..it may even seem as though God has forsaken us in the midst of pain and etc..as Jesus said before he died..why has thou forsaken me... that was out of the pain he was feeling..but he knew God hadn't left him..and he choose to lay down his life he didn't have to. We choose to lay down are lives..knowing it will be possibly a lot of pain.. but we pick up our cross and bear it..we still see this as beautiful.. we surrender all to God even though we may suffer..but it's not in vain..
**God has called us to be his ambassadors on earth, his vessels to use..and we will suffer as Christ did..but those saved from our obedience is beautiful... Love that is willing to suffer to prove that love has always pierced the heart of God's creation.. this is the way and path to heaven ..warriors for Christ..it will be a fight.. but sweet victory will erase it's pain.
Heart this
0 | Jul 22nd 2014 21:23