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6 Friends



32 / Female / Single
Glendale/Phoenix, Arizona - United States
My real name is Lizzy and I love animals as long as they're not snakes. Shows I'm into are Angel/Buffy, Charmed, Doctor Who, Beauty and the Beast (2011/2012), Constantine, Bitten, Grimm, Gossip Girl, House, My Babysitter's A Vampire, NCIS, Once Upon A Time, Pretty Little Liars/The Perfectionists, NBC's Revolution (world-wide blackout), Supernatural, Silk Stalkings (old cop show), Shark (cop show), Shadowhunters, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, Walking Dead, X-Files, Van Helsing, Wynonna Earp, Scream, etc. I pretty much like anything paranormal and supernatural related. If you would like to rp, I love rping, so check out my account and account which is Petrova100 or you can also find me by Katherine100. When it comes to movies, I'm a big horror movie buff. I'm also a college student and I have two semester left until I graduate with my Associate's of Business degree.

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