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32 / Male / In Love
Nashville, Tennessee - United States
(Note: I am not single anymore :3)

I am just your average christian guy. I am a very kind person, though I can be odd and difficult at times. I am also highly against a man harming a woman! A real man would never harm a woman! That kind of stuff really ticks me off to no end! I'm also not the kind of guy that comes up to a girl and grabs her in inappropriate places or does things like that. I respect a girls body, as a girl should respect theirs. {Woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved} I also love anime, its so awesome. People always told me to stop watching anime and grow up, but there is nothing to grow up from. There is only something to grow into lol.

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Why the hell arent you asleep, nutcase? xD
Feb 8th 2014 11:10