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Heavenbound5511's Blog

Psalm 83 : Hamas rejects Cease Fire as Israel dest

Psalm 83 : Hamas rejects Cease Fire as Israel destroys Hamas underground Tunnels (Jun 29, 2014)
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 1st 2014 02:29

China Water Turns Blood Red Again (Updated List)Ha

China Water Turns Blood Red Again (Updated List)Harbinger of the Coming Apocalypse
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 31st 2014 07:58

Are you a suicidal Christian?

Are you a suicidal Christian?
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 27th 2014 15:42

You know Christ and won't reach out to the lost?

You do know that most people that claim to know Christ won't go fishing for you the lost. 1st off they think they're too good, 2nd They aren't strong enough. They don't know who they are in Christ. 3rd They/ WE should never turn a blind eye on the lost..they we're once lost just as we were.

Instead of thinking you are too good for others, remember what Jesus said if you do this for the least - it's like you are doing it for me. He does not want one person to perish but all to come to him for salvation.

You have no clue what these people have been through. If you've ever been lonely,sad, sick.. had a mess of your life and Jesus came and rescued you from the pit of death. You must have this love in you. If not put yourself in there shoes.
Don't go by how they look, or even act. If God leads you to talk to anyone about Jesus - you need to throw out that self pride that will cause many people's blood to be on your hands.That means they are dying and going to hell because you didn't see the value they the eyes of God they are so very valuable..he loves them. And if you don't than you need to go deeper with God.
Most of the sins you are judging them as unfit for Jesus ..are of the same sins you yourself have committed.
So those prostitutes, the homeless, the gang bangers, those that have been named the black sheep of society - God wants them. He loves them.

Quit introducing God as "You are going to hell"!! You aren't good enough! That is shameful behavior.. and they are dying because of you.. God told you if he tells you to deliver a message for you to it..and those that respond will be saved.
Those that turn from there sins and reach out to Jesus will be saved!! We can't even get free from our sins without the power of God in Christ.God doesn't care about what you think..but he sure does care about the heart from which it came.
**Do you know Jesus? Or are you another impostor? I see these people when God tells me to talk to them as possibly on the edge of death and I may be the only person to be able to reach them, I may be the last chance they have.
**Tell them about the love of God, how he's not mad at them. How he can deliver them, save very special they are to him. You'll get much further, and after all it is the LOVE OF GOD THAT ATTRACTS ALL PEOPLE TO GOD.. Jesus loved them and died for us all even while we were still deep in sin. So we need to start acting like we know God.THEY WILL KNOW WE ARE OF GOD BY OUR LOVE.
**We have already been commissioned to reach the lost for Christ.. doing as he showed us, praying in his name we have the power of Jesus Christ to set the captives free.
***Here's a sobering thought.. God gave this person a vision of people in hell.. they were coming up to them and asking "why didn't you tell me about Jesus"? "Why didn't you tell me about Jesus" Those people wouldn't of been there if we'd truly lay our lives down for the sake of Christ, for the sake of the call.. for the sake of these people he loves. They are the same as we are.. we all need to know the love of Christ..that literally saved my life!
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 24th 2014 00:25

Sweet Victory Will Erase All Pain

Remember Jesus told us of families getting broke up that they turn against each other. He told us they kill us thinking they were doing God service but not so they don't know him. He warned us of persecution we won't stumble and turn on him.

I don't know why all this darkness has to be manifested on earth, I don't know why the suffering..
All I know is that God made us and wants us to choose him...and our true home is in heaven.
And in order to make it to heaven we must be cleaned, purged with fire..because heaven will not have sin,death and pain..etc.
He want to spend eternity with us those whom love him and trust him..and want good. So whatever we have to go through here isn't ..can't be compared to what he has prepared for those who love him.
**We see dying as death.. but in him it is life. So it wouldn't be so scary if we know nothing can separate us from Christ.
Jesus dying..the pain he suffered for us.. it bad feeling to take in the though of such anguish and suffering.. but we still see all of what Christ did as beautiful.Powerful.Love.
**Well on the same key what we go through will be very hard, hard to even fathom how we will make it may even seem as though God has forsaken us in the midst of pain and Jesus said before he died..why has thou forsaken me... that was out of the pain he was feeling..but he knew God hadn't left him..and he choose to lay down his life he didn't have to. We choose to lay down are lives..knowing it will be possibly a lot of pain.. but we pick up our cross and bear it..we still see this as beautiful.. we surrender all to God even though we may suffer..but it's not in vain..
**God has called us to be his ambassadors on earth, his vessels to use..and we will suffer as Christ did..but those saved from our obedience is beautiful... Love that is willing to suffer to prove that love has always pierced the heart of God's creation.. this is the way and path to heaven ..warriors for will be a fight.. but sweet victory will erase it's pain.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 22nd 2014 21:23