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Lupis's Blog

Rules for Story Requests

So this is in regards to a status I posted about how I'll be writing little short stories here on my blog. These are just a few requirements for leaving requests. Here we go.

1) Describe a plot
It can be what ever you want it to be about but it must be able to be resolved within one chapter.

2) List the genre(s) you would like it to be
Pretty straight forward. But if you want romance, I just have one request. NO LEMONS. I do not want to risk being kicked off of this site or anything because of some little story because of the sexual content. Also, I don't do x-readers. Just no.

3) Describe the Setting
Again, pretty straight forward. Be sure to include the date and location. By date, I just want to know things such as the season and what general time period it is.

4) List the main characters you want to see in the story
If it's an OC, please give me a good description of them. But, if it's a cannon character, then all you have to do is tell me their name.

5) Clarify whether it's a fanfic or original story
AN example of cannon would be an Assassin's Creed 2 story. An original story (in terms of Assassin's Creed cause why not?) is some Assassins and Templars fighting in say World War 2. Basically, something that wasn't done in the Assassins's Creed series.

Well, I think that's all for now. Also, if I actually start getting requests I will create a list full of names of people and what the status of the requested story is in. So be sure to check that if you're name is on it and if you're curious about the progress of the story. Well, feel free to comment your requests either on this blog post or you can PM me your requests if you want. Bye!
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