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40 Friends



(Sophia Kiev)
21 / Female / In a Relationship
Kansas - United States
HI! My name's Sophia, as you probably saw. I've been having some problems with people, I guess I'm lovable. If you get to know me, you'll see i'm not, but what ever. Feel free to friend me and talk, i'll talk about anything you want. I have also been called the following
-and best of all, Ignorant.

My lovely and amazing boy friend is not on this site, but I am taken, and love him dearly.

Meet people like depressed!



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Latest Questions

Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. well duh
 Jan 4th 2017 10:22

Latest Comments

I miss youuu
Mar 24th 2017 17:47

Hi Emma, nice to meet you I'm Chloe
Feb 8th 2017 14:45