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heaven_humble's Blog

Where have YOU been?!

Honestly, this year has been a whirlwind of events since it began. I started falling away from everything in October. Let's see, in January I met the man of my dreams. I've never been treated so well by a man. His name is Chris. I'm gonna try to get him to make an account on here. At work, I've been moving up non stop. Working to become a manager and doing education with it. There's surprisingly a lot I still have yet to learn. I miss you all terribly. I'm trying hard to get my GED and my room under control. I'm a pack rat and going through all kinds of stuff to try to sell and get rid of it... I'll probably put some of it on here! Life is terribly busy, I never have time for the Internet anymore and I honestly don't know how to manage a schedule for you all. Makes me sad though. I'm also not healthy, I plan on joining a gym.. I've gained a lot of weight and have not been taking vitamins and eating as many fruits and vegetables. Haha, I've also broken out in acne. It's crazyyyy! I still win online contests all the time. :3 But I don't even really have time for that anymore! I love you all so much, you have no idea. And I definitely haven't forgotten about you. I'm just always doing something now. I sleep a lot more than I used to. I'm exhausted all the time. My boyfriend leaves for AIT during this entire summer. As some of you know, he's in the Army and I've been with him for almost 4 months now. I'm happy, just stressed! I've had drama at work in the past. One of my managers is crazy in the literal sense, and I don't generally talk about people, but she is so rude, and I had a coworker that was rude to me because she asked me out and I turned her down (I'm straight, I told her we could be friends) and shortly after that she tried to make my life a living Hell. :( So life has had its ups and downs! I'm gonna try to make a blog at least once a day and keep you all updated if not anything else! I love you so much and I gotta go for now, thank you so much for reading!!
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3 | 1 Comment | May 18th 2014 16:43