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MoonHippie's Blog

So now this is happening.

Do you think your ex still wants to be with you?
-Nope. Pretty sure he forgot I exist. He was long-distance, and when I was 14.

Has a boyfriend/​​​​​​​​​girlfriend ever put alcohol/drugs before you?
-Nope I was never really in a serious relationship.

Let’s say you had a baby with the last person you kissed?
-It would be an adorable baby and both of his/her parents would love him/her. :)

Will this Friday be a good one?
-I work 2:30-8 on Friday, yesterday was my actual Friday.

When was the last time you completely broke down?
-I don't know but I can almost guarantee it was for no reason.

Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
-Yep I doooo.

Are you nice to the people you dislike?
-I'm just tolerant of the people I dislike. They don't say anything to me, I don't say anything to them.

Do you have someone you can spill your heart out to?
-Yeah thank goodness for Tony.

What are you excited for?
-Seeing if this dudeski who is interested is gonna buy my dad's land or not...I'd love to move closer to where I work.

Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?
-"Holy fucking shit you do remember me...and how the hell did you find me?"

Is there a person that you would do absolutely anything and everything for?
-Probs my parentals.

Does sex mean love?
-Sure doesn't.

Have you ever fallen asleep on someone?
-During what? Sex? A telephone conversation? A face-to-face conversation? This is a very open-ended question...

What’s something you really want right now?
-Hmm my Boone's Farm; but I'm not done with my Straw-Ber-Ita yet.

What was the first thing you did this morning?
-Died because mother nature is a serious bitch.

What is your relationship status?
-Single don't touch me.

What did the last text in your inbox say? From Who.
-"I know I hate it :(" -from my sister referring to our current three-day rainstorm.

What was the longest time you’ve wasted on a certain person?
-I don't waste my time on people that don't deserve it, so.

Are you listening to music right now?
-No, my mom is watching Monster Chef and I have no clue why.

Anyone you would like to get things straight with?
-Not really, I'm good.

What’s in your purse?
-Makeup, wallet, pipe, cigarettes, lighter, various other miscellaneous objects.

Is your name a common name?
-Yeah but it can be spelled a zillion different ways.

What is your favorite color out of these 5: Green, yellow, blue, pink, or red?
-I don't know, I like a lot of colors.

What are you doing tomorrow?
-No clue, probably nothing.

Whats the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
-Looked at my phone to see what time it was.

Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say?
-"Lol you have absolutely no idea who I am at this point in my life."

You receive $500 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
-I'm sure the ganj and put some away.

Where will you be in an hour?
-Probably in this same exact spot; more than ready to watch AHS tonight.

What’s your relationship with the person you last texted?
-Strained at the moment. I've been ignoring a lot of her texts because she always just wants something.

Who do you hate?
-Nobody; hate is a huge waste of time.

Is anything bothering you right now?
-Yeah, I didn't notice the Boone's I was drinking is 7.5% alcohol instead of the standard 3.9% until just now.

What do you think about math?
-I frigging hate math. It confuses me and jumbles my brain.

Whats irritating you right now?
-The fact that I've got soooo much longer to wait until AHS.

How is your mood?

What time is it?
-8:27 p.m.

Where’s your phone?
-Next to me on the computer desk.

Who was your last text from?
-Weren't we over this previously?

Why did you last cry?
-For no reason, I imagine.

In the past week have you cried?
-Probably. Probably more than once.

Do you want to see somebody right now?
-Nah, I'm good. I just wanna see some AHS.

How tall would you prefer the person you’re dating be?
-Just taller than me. But it doesn't really matter, height really isn't a distinguishing factor in my point of interest.

What are your initials?

Do you call it sitting “criss-cross” or ” Indian-style”?
-Cross-legged, actually.

Who do you like?
-My frannnns.

How many people have you liked in the past 8 months?
-One that counted.

Has anyone laid on your bed besides you?

Which is worse for you: being hot, or being cold?

How many cell phones have you had in your life?
-Way too many. I need to quit dropping them in water.

What’s your middle name?
-None of your b-i business.

Are you happy with the way things are going?
-Sometimes. I'm pretty moody idk.
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 15th 2014 20:28


01. Do you have a nickname?
-A few.

02. Are you a virgin?

03. When is the last time you had sex?
-Less than 6 months ago.

04. What are your bad/good habits?
-Depends on your definition.

05. Have you ever walked in on someone going to bathroom? Who?
-Yes. Random women in gas stations. Classmates in elementary school. My mother in the bathtub.

06. Name one thing about your body you love?
-I am slowly learning to love everything about my body.

07. Name one thing about your body you hate?
-No, no, no. I'd rather not focus on those things.

08. Do you have any freckles on your hands?
-I have freckles everywhere.

09. Are you wearing a thong right now?
-Nope. Commando.

10. What color is your underwear?
-Or lack thereof?

11. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
-No. I never do.

12. Have they ever cheated on you?
-This question is invalid.

13. Did you wake up to a good morning text?
-No. I woke up to a picture message from my friend Caiquee.

14. Have you ever purchased condoms?

15. Have you ever had shower sex?

16. Do you find yourself sexy?
-Sometimes. :)

17. Have you ever watched porn?

18. Have you ever caught someone else watching porn?

19. What size show are you?
-What on earth does this even mean?

20. Have you ever got into a fist fight?

20. ^ Be honest, did you lose that fight?
-Let's be honest, I haven't been in one.

21. Have you ever sent a nude snapchat?
-I have never had snapchat.

22. Have you ever found a teacher sexy?
-Yes. Mr. Nolde, fourth grade.

23. Have you ever had sex at school?

24. Do you have your period right now?

25. Did you shower today?

26. Can you count on one hand how many people you made out with?

27. Do you smoke weed?
-Quite 420 friendly.

28. Do you plan on getting drunk today?

29. Do you have a go-to sexy outfit you wear to get someones attention?
-Lol goodness no.

30. What color is your bra?
-It's almost 1 a.m. and you think I'm still wearing a bra?

31. What do you see yourself doing with your life in 5 years, 10 years?
-Noooo freakin' clue.

32. What has been an embarrassing moment for you?
-Falling in 4-inch heels in the hallway my senior year of H.S.

33. What is your biggest goal in life?
-To figure out what my goals are in life. :p

34. Describe yourself in 3 words.
-Figure it out.

35. Tell me your 3 weaknesses:
-When guys read, and not that half-assed shit. I'm talking Shakespeare, Poe, Stephen King! Hahaha. PIZZA. And Kurt Cobain.

36.Did you masturbate today?

37. What are your point of view of the world? Liberal/conservative, spiritual/atheist
-I'm pretty spiritual but not religious. I believe we are all energy.

38. What to you would the perfect life consists of?
-Lots of beautiful places, lots of beautiful people, and lots of beautiful memories.

39. Is there an age where being a virgin, you think, would be awkward?
-No. I was nineteen before I lost it.

40. Do you still have feelings for your ex?
-I don't really have an ex.

41. Do you think you look okay without makeup on?
-I wear cover-up and that's pretty much as far as my flirtation with makeup goes.

42. Ever skinny dipped?

43. Ever skinny dipped in the ocean?

44. Have you ever peed outside?

45. Gay rights are human rights, right?

46. List 3 of your hobbies:
-Photography, summer swimmin', and I'm an avid walker (not the zombie).

47. Have you ever had a sexy Skype chat?
-Lol yes.

48. Do you think you would make a good parent someday?
-I know I would.

49. Are you a teen mom?
-Nope. Almost twenty-one and still no little beeb.

50. Your first kiss was _______, (describe it.)
-In a bathroom with my best friend when I was five years old. Not exactly romantic but it's kind of a cute story if you know the whole thing. :p

51. What is your dream job?
-I'm still figuring this out. For now, I'm chill cashiering at Elmer's.

52. Do you remember your dream from last night?
-Something about spaghetti and meatballs spilling everywhere and getting really pissed off about it. I don't know, it didn't make much sense.

53. Do you have a stripper friend?
-Lol I have friends who would take their clothes off if they were very drunk and very hot.

54. What is your ideal vacation?
-Just getting the fuck outta dodge for a minute, seeing some cool people and doing some cool things.

55. Do you have a favorite movie?
-There are a lot of movies that I really dig.

56. Is there a song that makes you cry?

57. Did you cry today?
-Uhm technically yes because The Walking Dead fucking tears my soul apart.

58. Did you see the bed as a kid?
-WHAT? Okay seriously this is the second question that makes no sense.

59. What are your views on open relationships? Do you know what an open relationship is?
-I know what an open relationship is, and I personally would not want one. My views on them would probably be best kept to myself.

60. Have you ever had a sexual gay experience?
-Yes...I'm pansexual...

61. Do you believe long distance relationships can work?
-Ugh. This question though. Not for me personally but maybe for two other really committed people?

62. Do you believe that “Money can’t buy happiness?”
-Nope. It can't. My dad fails to grasp this concept.

63. Do you like your job?
-Most days I absolutely adore my job.

64. Is there someone in your family that you wish weren’t part of your family?
-Nope. I'm chill with pretty much all of them. Even the REALLY crazy ones.

65. Do you know anyone in jail?
-I haven't checked the list at the jail lately, but I'm sure I could find a name or two to scoff at.

66. Have you ever shoplifted?
-One time. Ugh. I hated myself but it was -40 degrees outside, I was walking thirteen blocks, and I had cigarettes but NO lighter and NO money...I stole a fucking two pack of Bics from Wally World.

67. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
-I would not like to be famous. In any way. Ever.

68. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
-Nope. Not a clue. Not worried about it.

69. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
-My mom is great when she's not drinking. Absolutely.

70. Do you know who your father is?
-Lol yeah in fact he and my mother are both currently sleeping in THEIR bed.

71. Do you believe in Karma as “what goes around comes around”?
-YES 1,000x YES.

72. Do you pick your nose in private?
-Hahaha honestly sometimes I pick it in public (just not at work).

73. Do you fart in front of your friends?
-Uhm a few of them. I try not to like disgustingly rip ass in front of anyone ever. I feel like it's rude or something I guess.

74. Have you done drugs other than weed?

75. Would your parents be pissed if they saw this survey?
-Uhm they'd probably be like WTF and my dad would tell me I was giving out too much information (like he ALWAYS does when I do these) but other than that no.

76. Do you find Zac Efron sexy?
-Uh. Not really, no. He's okay as an actor, I guess. He played that autistic character in that one Lifetime movie really well.

77. Do you think aliens are real?
-Yup. And if you think there are billions of galaxies with US as the only form of intelligent life then...

78. Do you swim well?
-Yes. We had a pool from the time I was about 6 until I was probably 10 or 11. Plus I live in the Great Lakes state 15 minutes from Lake Michigan in like 3 different directions. ;)

79. Have you ever had a emergency surgery?
-Nope. Thank goodness for that.

80. Do you think you are fat?
-I know I am overweight. It could be a lot worse, or a lot better, but I am comfortable in my own skin.

81 Do you have a gym membership?
-No, but I'm thinking about joining Anytime Fitness.

82. Have you ever dated a guy after your friend did?
-No lol but one of my friends did that to me once. I warned her. Did NOT listen. Got real upset when he was exactly what I said he was.

83. What age did you start drinking?

84. Is your mom your best friend?
-Definitely one of them.

85. Are you regretting taking this survey?
-Lol no I could give a shit less about this website.

86. Are you in/planning to go to college?
-Planning to go. For something. Eventually.

87. What was the wildest dare ever given to you?
-To like lick something off my best friend's tits Idk we were really young and experimental and in my camper with boys.

88. What was/is High School like for you?
-High school sucked. /end.

89. Do you find any of your friends hot?
-I did I guess at one point. Now it's like meh you guys are cool let's not make it weird.

90. Are you glad this survey is almost over?
-Once again, indifferenttttt.

91. What do you think of Obama?
-HE'D BE THE COOLEST EVER if he was never president ever. Literally. That's what I think. Politicians suck but his real personality is prime.

92. Are you registered to vote?

93. Did you take a selfie today?
-I did as a matter of fact.

94. Who was the last person to compliment you?
-I don't remember.

95. Do you believe that ghosts exist?
-I believe it's possible for energy to linger. And manifest.

96. Do you have any scars on your body?
-Yes. I have a legit serious picking problem and some pretty terrible spots of skin.

97. Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery?

98. Name the one person you can count on?
-The parentals, obvs.

99. You got 99 problems; name one:
-Horrible anger issues.

100. What is your goal for today?
-Finish this survey. OH LOOK I NAILED IT.
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 5th 2014 00:58