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Sometimes, you never know until it's to late.

It has been a while since, I was with someone special. I kinda forgot how it feels to kiss and hold someone special in life, I feel as if I might not remember what it feels to be loved again. I know I done wrong in my past, and i regret the actions and decisions I made in life. At times, I wonder if there is something in life I was able to do to change the actions that hurt so many. When I was younger I hurt all that ever cared, and loved me. I and burned all the bridges that I crossed. After a while I learned and regret how my life was, and became more with god and trying to make changes through time. Changes are never easy or comes over night, it is something we all must learn to live with. To forgive our own thoughts and actions, is part of it. Even though it's also good to ask for someone to forgive you. You must be able to understand, and admit to the decisions that lead to the life that you ended up with. I am lonely and feeling as if I may never find, someone to care for and love. What hurts me the most, is I see now that I might end up alone. That is why we all must learn and open our eyes, before it's to late. Because once it is, to late. That is when you start to notice, that you might never know the feeling of having someone special in life. That is when you forget the feeling of feeling, someone special holding you and kissing you and all the great things to come. If you don't believe me than, why have I forgotten what love and caring feels like? Why do I feel this pain, where someone special should be? I know because it happen to me.
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0 | 0 Comments | by mescareno82 | Jan 15th 2018 13:18


Kaylie Rose Sanchez
♡Hair color♡
Blue, but she dyes it a lot so results vary (:
♡Eye color♡
Father, 2 older brothers and one younger sister
Over all shes a fairly nice person, but she does have a bitter side. She can be very very selfish, and thinks about only herself most of the time. A lot can be said of Kaylie Rose, but two things you'll never forget are that she's upright and sharing. Of course she's also companionably, captivating and relaxed, but they're tainted by and mixed with habits of being disorderly as well. Her upright nature though, this is what she's often admired for. There are many times when friends count on this and her honor whenever they need assistance or help. Nobody's perfect of course and Kaylie has a share of darker sides to deal with too. Her thievish nature and pretentiousness tend to get in the way even at the best of times. Fortunately her sharing nature shines brighter on most days.
Colder Colors, Late Night Walks, Chocolates, Spicy Food, Drinking, Smoking, Music, Attention
Being Ignored, Not Being The Center Of Attention, Being Unliked, Warm Weather, Dogs, Most People
None (Yet)
Highschool Drop Out/Bartender
♡ Her Birthday is January 7th
♡ Body Shape of A Pear
♡ Doesnt Like Long Deep Conversations
♡ Has 3 Pet Cats and 2 Pitbulls
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0 | 0 Comments | by Rehabilitation | Nov 18th 2017 16:50

About me

nickname(s): Emmy, Emily, Em
age: 17
place of birth: Bulgaria
sexuality: heteroromantic demisexual
height: 167 cm (5ft.6)
race/ethnicity: European (idk if that counts as race or ethnicity lol)
eye colour: Brown
hair colour: dyed brown/naturally black
occupation: student
languages: Bulgarian, English, Czech
mental disabilities/illnesses: none
physical disabilities: none
tattoos: none

positive personality traits:
-fun loving

negative traits:
-easily discouraged
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1 | 0 Comments | by emiliamartinova | Oct 23rd 2017 10:15

Pete Corvus Biography

Pete Corvus has been an enemy of Grim ever since his first appearances on the show. Despite this, he is more of an anti-hero than an antagonist. Corvus is most notably a 2 time [[YouTube Wrestling Figures Heavyweight Championship|YouTube Wrestling Figures Heavyweight Champion]] and a former 2 time GTS Champion. He is a 3 time GTS Tag Team Champion, once with Matt Castle and twice with Grim, and former 3 time GTS Hardcore Champion (Also, the first person to hold the Hardcore Title more than once), also a 2 time Loser Belt Loser. Most of wrestling moves are Kevin Owens' signature moves. Pete is also a former member of D-Generation Fat where he won Tag Team Championship Gold with Grim. In April, Pete sued Grim for violating a no contact clause between the two and started the Pete Corvus Show, which lasted for one month until he lost a death match to Grim for ownership of both shows. He is a member of Salami Strong Style.

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0 | 0 Comments | by TheLegendOfCorvus | Oct 10th 2017 16:21


Panromantic Homosexual

Darling is a very small, nice, adorable, cute, and shy nonbinary person. They have a creative mind and puts passion into everything they do. Darling loves to read, write, sing, draw, and dance. They are a shy person but loves people and takes good care of the other Alters. There is nothing Darling wouldn't do for their family. Darling does a lot for the system and likes to relieve stress with things like Cgl and poetry.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Kingdom | Oct 9th 2017 16:49


Elliot Nigel Killian (E.K.)
He/Him It
Demiromantic Demisexual

Elliot Nigel Killian (also known as E.K.) is a doctor. He was born and raised in a shady forest in the middle of nowhere. He was raised by his father who was a therapist at a mental asylum named Bridgemond. It is a long story but E.K. grew up to be the most insane and homicidal Alter in the system. He has a deep hatred for human beings and is not the best with being nice or friendly. He is a very smart and manipulative sadist in life that isn't opposed to any kind of crime. He is not a good person.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Kingdom | Oct 9th 2017 16:48


She/Her They/Them
Panromantic Lesbian

Chi is the sweet witch od the group. She is a good person with a big heart and a British accent. She has a big heart for family and loves her brother, Nimb, more than anything. Chi is a good kid with a good childhood and a good family. She loves her friends and cares for everyone she comes around. When she isn't being a dork or talking passionately about politics, she's practising witchcraft and magiks.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Kingdom | Oct 9th 2017 16:47


Panromantic Pansexual

Nimb is the flirty bad boy of the system. He is the protector and is always finding himself in trouble. He loves everyone and does his best to care for everyone. When you look past his "I don't care" attitude you'll see a very loving and caring guy that wants the best for everyone. Though, be careful with him. He might act like big sh*t, but he has severe depression and a past of abuse. There is always a lot going on in his mind, but he is quick to worry about someone else.He loves everyone and hates everyone.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Kingdom | Oct 9th 2017 16:46


Panromantic Pansexual

This is the Host of the system and the one that is the biggest nerd. Orion is an anxious ball of love to give and song lyrics. Not only is he Hamilton Trash but he does all he can for his friends, especially the friends that are as big of nerds as him. He is loyal and naive as well as a cute, kinky, boy. He is a trans boy who isn't on T yet, but he doesn't let anything stop him from wearing whatever he wants and being who he is.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Kingdom | Oct 9th 2017 16:45

Kingdom System

Heyo. My name is Orion and I am a part of the Kingdom (KD) System! There are five of us (Nimb, Chi, E.K., Darling, and me, Orion). We are all one body with D.I.D. D.I.D is Dissociative Identity Disorder and it gives the body multiple personalities. Each personality has a role and serves a purpose. I am the Host or the personality that was here first/born into the body. The people and personalities that came to the body, later on, are called Alters or just other people (each person feels a certain way about what they are called so you can just ask them). Each Alter is their own person and has their own looks, age, personality, likes and dislikes, and backstory. There is a lot to know about each of us and I hope we can make some friends! But first, here is some information about the body and Head Space.


Our body is fourteen years old. We are in our freshman year of high school and live in Pennsylvania. We are 5'7" when it comes to height and 110 pounds in weight. The body was born female.

Head Space

Our Head Space is like a town with many features. There is a suburban area where you will find Darling hanging out. A hospital and dark forest E.K. enjoys. A big city, resembling New York, that Nimb loves and lives in. And a light forest Chi spends her time in. I, Orion, don't spend a lot of time in our Head Space, but it has many features and buildings as well as cool places the Alters and I love to hang out when we aren't fronting.

Anyway, Thank you for reading and I hope we can be friends! If you have any questions just leave them below!

Links to people

Orion |
Nimb |
Chi |
E.K. |
Darling |
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0 | 0 Comments | by Kingdom | Oct 9th 2017 15:05

Nicholas Wright

Name: Nicholas Wright

Age: (19)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Shy, Smart, Easily impressed, Bookworm


Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Climbing

Likes: Climbable Trees, Nice people, Dealing with the issues of other people

Dislikes: Rudeness, The Movie The Golden Compass, Pain

Favourite Food: Chicken Pot Pie

Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew

Favourite Animal: Cats

Favourite Movie: "IT"

Favourite Tv-Show: "Impractical Jokers"

Favourite Song: 45


Mother: Alive
Father: Alive
Brother: Alive
Sister: Left them


Nicholas didn't have a very difficult life, he normally made things difficult for himself to see how hard some things can be. He grew up with all of his family until his sister left and moved in with her mother

A little bit before his sister left his parents go divorced, his dad got happily re-married and his mother kept dating different guys

He had always felt like he was an obstacle to his parents so eventually he stopped talking to them unless absolutely needed. And that didn't work out very well

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0 | 0 Comments | by Escapefromlife | Oct 5th 2017 13:12


Someone message me
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0 | 0 Comments | by badgirl943 | Jul 14th 2017 11:34

Little Activities - When Caregiver Isn't Around

Sooooo, my Daddy has been VERY busy lately with school, and hasn't been able to spend much time with me, leaving me to FEND FOR MYSELF! I've been coming up with a list of activities to keep me occupied in his absence, so I thought I'd post it here in case others need to use it, too!

• Playing single-player video games (my favorite is Animal Crossing!)
• Making jewelry (I have a TON of cute heads that I make into bracelets, bookmarks, and keychains- you could also make something for your caregiver!)
• Writing stories, poems, songs, or anything really!
• Drawing or coloring (if you don't have any coloring books, you can print off bases you like online!)
• Listening to music/playing an instrument/singing (a personal favorite~)
• Create a scene with your toys and create a story as you go along
• Making yummy no-bake treats! (I say no-bake because if you're in littlespace and unsupervised, I wouldn't recommend using an oven!)
• Create/try on outfits you have (model for yourself in the mirror!)
• Look up fun DIY projects (maybe you could make something to give your caregiver the next time you see them!)
• Spoil yourself with a nice bath! (Put bubbles in, bath bombs, use nice soaps, and whatever you like!)
• Snuggle up and watch some of your favorite movies, series, or YouTube videos (if you have a shirt or hoodie of your caregiver's, put that on too!)

**This list will be updated!**
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0 | 0 Comments | by myadi | Jul 6th 2017 14:29

Role Playing.

I love to write and am on here solely to find someone to write with me platonically. If you don't feel the same, leave me the f*** alone. K, thanksssssss. I'm only play acting as though I am heartless. I do have a boyfriend who I am madly in love with and I only type this because I saw a few of ya'lls profiles.... There's a better way to meet people, people.
If the video I just posted doesn't pop up click the little black box with an, 'x' in it.
Do it.
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0 | 0 Comments | by JediLuhmann | Jun 22nd 2017 01:59

Lone Alpha

I am going to be honest. The person that I am is complicated but a good person. Once you get to know me, I seem simple. I like meeting new people and talking to others. If you want to know about me, contact me
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0 | 0 Comments | by HopeCoyote | Jun 14th 2017 11:45